About Us

HealthProviderReviews.com performs patient satisfaction surveys for physicians and other healthcare providers. We are utilized by the healthcare provider to perform customer satisfaction surveys using in-office brief pen and paper surveys. The surveys are performed with “old-fashioned” pen and paper to remove the inherent bias of online review sites. Online review sites often have very few reviews because most patients, unless very dissatisfied or strongly encouraged by the physician, are not motivated to register with an online review site, give away their email address, and place a review. Also, the elderly, for example, are frequent users of healthcare and certain specialties, but frequently are not using the internet and are largely excluded from the online review process, which further biases the online reviews because few, if any, elderly are doing reviews.

Unlike web-based surveys used by the large online health provider review websites, brief paper surveys are easily filled out by most, if not all, patients who are given the surveys. Typically more reviews can be generated with in-office brief paper surveys within 2-3 days than most online review sites can do over years.

Have you ever wondered why a busy doctor only has a few or no reviews posted on an online review website? It is generally because online reviews are not typically done by patients, unless they are dissastisfied or the doctor strongly asked the satisfied patients to go online to help them with a good review. Have you ever wondered why some doctors have many great reviews, while other busy doctors have almost no reviews? The doctors with many great reviews are usually actively encouraging the satisfied patients and not the disatisfied patients to place online reviews, which further is biasing this process. With in-office pen and paper reviews, most, if not all, patients seen  will answer a couple of brief questions and provide a fairer assessment because a large number of reviews can be obtained in a short period of time.